Don't miss out on Preyfinders, a sexy, space-opera, fantasy series. Grab the first book, Precious Sacrifice, for free AND... Pick up Book 2, Intimidator, for the reduced price of $2.99 (was $3.99) His lips curled. “Do I frighten you?” His hands squeezed in, until her shoulder muscles twinged with pain. “Speak the truth.” What did they say to do when facing an aggressive lion? Retreat slowly while maintaining eye contact? She didn’t have any choice. The Ascend had pinned her with his gaze like a butterfly collector with a new specimen, and retreating wasn’t an option. “Answer.” He shook her. When she remained mute, he shifted his grasp to beneath her arms and lifted her onto the stone seat. Done as easily as a man might lift a kitten. Being elevated didn’t help... Though they were eye to eye, it made her feel like a slave girl on a block being auctioned off with Dassenze a potential buyer. Her mind was dredging up all the dirty sexual connotations it could find. No wonder, with this massive specimen of alien man-god before her. Plus, his hands had slid down to her waist and were holding her there, firmly. It was a definite panty-wetting situation. Was she a kick-ass forensic pathologist or a slave girl? Dammit, feminism. The two were surely impossibly opposite? She heard Brask chuckle. The bastard. What was the question? Was she scared? Answering Dassenze honestly was somehow a must. “A little?” “Good. Remember that before you try to kiss me. I may change my mind and do... What was that human word?” Though he paused, she was sure it was just to prolong the torture. “I may fuck you anyway.” Then he winked and released her shoulders. Our Earth is on the edge of destruction, our cities are pocked with missile craters, and beneath the surface the alien factory queen lurks.
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All Romance buylink Because this sale didn't go out as widely as it should have on the first day, I'll keep it going until the 29th of December. Blurb: Capture fantasies rule Jodie's eBook. Re-enacting one in a documentary would surely be irresistible viewing to millions of women? But Jodie and Klaus discover that inside an ordinary man dark desires may lurk. What will win in the end? The man and lover, or the monster? Warning: Capture fantasy; anal play; M/f as well as one m/f/f/m scene; BDSM themes including caning, spanking, bondage, and needle play. Also contains one beginner Dom who is exploring sadism but is still working out how and when to stop. Take Me Break Me, Book One, Pierced Hearts #76 Bestseller on Amazon Kindle, Top 10 Bestseller on All Romance Ebooks for September 2013 A sample of the book, and reviews, are here. To get news about all my releases, enter your email address in the space on the right hand sidebar, and click beneath, where it says subscribe, or go to my About me page. Yes, I have done the deed and sent the book away to my formatter guy, Donnie Light. I'm praying that all the t's are dotted and the i's are crossed. Because that would make for an interesting book... Release date will be December 23rd. I hope I've not gone too dark for any of my fans. Make me Yours Evermore has been labelled a BDSM dubcon thriller by my editor, Nerine Dorman. The next book after this has a more moralistic hero, I think. Though I am dropping him into a terribly nasty situation. Just for a cute bit of info - my cover artist has not been capitalizing the me in any of the titles and I only just noticed. I'm so observant! I think he's acknowledging the Dominance and submission theme in this series. Clever man. He's Thomas Dorman or Dr Benway on deviant art if anyone is looking for a book cover by him. Fetish photographer and award winning South African filmmaker. However, ahem, back to this book. A snippet might be due? Oh and if you want to join my mailing list and get a little newsletter whenever a new book comes out, go here. Because I'm never sure if anyone out there sees the small amount of promo I do, if you really want to keep in touch with what I'm writing, that's the best method to be certain of getting updates. Here is the little extract from Make Me Yours Evermore... The water might be cold but she was warm against my skin. I couldn’t help admiring her curves as I smoothed away the grime of all that had happened to her over the last day. A few times she stirred and pushed at my hand but I persisted. Her skin was pale, accentuating the red of her bra and black of her panties – color coded scraps of cloth that screamed sexual territory. All the best bits were underneath those. Her lips were plump with the promise of kisses. Long legs, female contours... I already announced this on Facebook But I need something to do while I'm waiting for feedback so I don't chew off my fingernails. The release date of Make Me Yours Evermore, Book 3 Pierced Hearts - December 23 rd - is getting ever closer. I can also tell you here that I've altered my blurb for this series on Amazon to make sure people understand what they're buying. Here's the added bit: Be aware that this Pierced Hearts series is not a consensual BDSM series, this is a capture fantasy series that explores morality, consensuality, and the fuzzy zone between right and wrong. It has been called dangerous erotic fiction. And just so as to reward those who come to read this , seeing I'm the least frequent blog poster EVER, here's a little snippet from the book. From the Point of View of Andreas... I swallowed, struck for a microcosm of time by the allure of indeed owning her. “Chris, she’s not yours.” “She is now. She’s mine.” God, I hated him. Gently, I stamped my fist on the table. “You can’t own a person. Not in this time and age.” “You have no idea. Slaves are a reality as much as they’ve ever been in history. It’s just a matter of beating the law. I told you before. Turn me in, or leave me be. This is something I want. I mean to have her.” He sat back in the chair and contemplated Kat. “You’re right though. I can’t justify this. What my friend did, yeah, he had some justification. Me? Put me back in history at Rome and I could be a rich man with a troupe of slave girls or maybe a sheik with a harem. Legal, even the pinnacle of society. Here, now?” His eyes shone dark in the dying light. “I’m just bad man with good sense of timing.” His blatant admission stunned me for a few seconds. “A good sense of timing? Why the hell is this good?” “She was going on holidays. Driving to the Outback. No one will miss her for a few days until the phone calls don’t come in.” “Jesus,” I whispered. He had planned this. This wasn’t some distorted retribution. This was Chris being fucked up in the head. The earlier books are on Amazon. All Romance eBooks iTunes Kobo and Barnes and Noble and Smashwords. Most of those links are on the books' pages here on my website.
Book 1, Take Me, Break Me Book 2, Bind and Keep Me Almost there!! I'm all set to celebrate the official release of my second Pierced Hearts book. All who enjoy my books are welcome to join me celebrating on Facebook on August 30th at 9pm EDT. Bring on the naughty, the kinky, and the plain ol good fun attitude! As you can see, I'm doing a rare signed-print giveaway. Because of my Australian location I don't do these often. The Facebook party starts at 9 pm EDT, August 30th, on Facebook here “Bind and Keep me, leads you down a depraved path full of dark desires that you know are so wrong, but feel too good for you to care. Cari Silverwood makes losing what we all cherish—our freedom—sinfully erotic.” How far would you go to protect your love and your life?
When two deaths turn his world upside down, Klaus must wrestle with a problem that goes soul deep. With Jodie it was capture fantasy but now he’s made the fantasy real, dragging her along as his accomplice. No one should feel so good about something so wrong. Maybe his soul is darker than he feared. Maybe the rules shouldn't apply to him. Warning: Dark erotica, Mff with BDSM themes, capture fantasy, and dubious consent. Contains spanking, bondage, caning and piercing, and one alpha possessive man about to toss aside his morals and take what he wants. Where lurks...? Yep, I went for the creepy verb effect with that title but really what I'm asking is, what the hell is Dark Erotica? I started wondering about this before I wrote my latest book, Take Me, Break Me because I wanted to dip my toes into it, and now after publication I'm seeing even more clearly that it's not that clearly defined. You see Wikipedia also calls it Erotic Horror and does a very bare bones definition of, "a term applied to works of horror fiction in which sensual or sexual imagery (or even descriptions of the physical act of sexual intercourse) are blended with horrific overtones or story elements." Yet on Goodreads the Dark Erotica group defines it as "the more aggressive form of Erotica. This would include storylines with rough sex, forced seduction, rape, kidnapping, BDSM, and those who enjoy alternative lifestyles to the extreme, multiple partners that may or may not involve same sex interaction" But I like another definition, a far simpler one - dark erotica is a story with fear plus lust. Because in a way this covers both of the above. Fear is so personal. Something that scares you, another person will brush off as nothing much at all. Horror is surely a more horrible form of fear? True. Yet some of the most well known books of this sort of erotic story, such as Captive in the Dark, may cause mild fear or an unsettling feeling but aren't going to cause that true hide-under-the-bed horror that you get in a horror movie or a classic story like The Monkey's Paw (which is pure horror, not erotic horror). So to me, erotic horror is different from Dark Erotica, or it's a small sub-section of it. And so my romance story, Take Me, Break Me, which I deliberately wrote to drift about on the edge of the darkly erotic realm, has some readers going... "Wow. I can't express all the emotions I got from this read and I'm pretty jaded when it comes to deep dark erotic romance." Michele Harvey, Goodreads review And others are going, no, never, that's not dark erotica at all. Funny how we like to scare ourselves though, isn't it? Not that I read dark erotica to be scared exactly. It's more of a thrill, I think. Now I'm wondering if I got that definition right after all. Lust + Thrill plus or minus Fear? I think I need a maths degree to work this out. PS Erotica is the wrong term anyway for a fleshed-out erotic romance IMO but that's another definition for another day. Here's a great review blog I found today for dark erotic books: Jessy's Book Club Adding some more thoughts.
Having done some more thinking...really, that definition should say that the lust and the fear have to be there at the same time. I could make a horror story where the sex and the horror are in different chapters and that is not dark erotica. I'm also wondering if dubious consent or non-consensual scenes of sex need to be in the story. I think they do. Because although the wikipedia definition may not say it, but I feel it's pussy-footing around the true meaning. A story where the son of Satan, or a succubus, rapes a woman is still non-consent despite the non-human attacker. Am I right there? Adults only excerpt - 18 years plusI've had such a lot of feedback on facebook that I thought it worth putting this here. My WIP that I'm writing. To give you all a head's up that I'm planning to self-pub a story that skirts non or dubious consent. Title: Take Me, Break Me ADULT excerpt Planned release date - End of February. I'm about 4/5 ths of the way through writing this. The first paragraph: This was so pretty. The contrast to what we were doing made me want to laugh in a slightly demented way. Below the cafe waves washed up the beach then retreated, leaving foaming ripples. Diamond-lace reflections from the gentled parts of the blue blue sea blinded me – jaw-dropping scenery – and here I’d just signed a document that gave the man opposite permission to mind fuck me into the next century. Temporary Blurb: Jodie is scraping the barrel trying to stay afloat. An idea arrives that could rescue her finances and bring her together in a kinky way with a man she never gave up on. So why not use it? Capture fantasies rule Jodie’s eBook. Re-enacting one in a documentary would surely be irresistible viewing to millions of women? But Jodie and Klaus discover that underneath an ordinary man dark desires may lurk. What will win in the end? The man and lover, or the monster? ****** “I agree. This isn't working.” Pure agreeable statement, but she rocked back slightly before she nodded. “Nice is bad, Jodie? You want mind fuck. You want mean. You want things you dream about. You have no idea." Her eyes widened. "Starting now. The rules are gone. I make my own rules.” “Uh. What? They were your rules.” I took down the list from the door and held it, slowly tapping the laminated paper against my leg. “No. They were not.” After unfolding the flaps of the cardboard box, I tucked the list down inside and pulled out the two gags. “Rule one. You don’t talk unless I say you can.” As her mouth opened, with the buckles trapped in my fingers, I dropped both gags into view, and dangled them. “Talk and I use these.” Like magic, her mouth clicked shut. Now I had her attention. That had worked. I was perhaps as stunned as she looked. She touched her tongue tip to her upper lip as I stood before her and she kept her gaze swinging from the gags to my face. I had a feeling I’d never had a woman so rapt in what I said. Addictive. The pulse of excitement had centered at my groin. Nothing I could do about it. I already knew that looking at women in bondage revved my engine. But I’d never done more than look at pictures. Now I had an inkling that anything where I got to hold the reins, really hold the reins, was like oxygen to a man in the throes of suffocation. Incredible. I ran through my epiphany, convincing myself as much as her. Bluntness was called for. “My conclusions. You asked me to do this because you still want me in your bed. You want me to fuck you.” Her gasp, I answered by swinging the ball gag. She uttered no words. “Somewhere in your plans, you hoped. The rules, I made up those in line with what I knew you’d be thinking. You knew I’d not step beyond, or not much. “This,” I swept my arm across, “This room was your idea. Your rules. Lock me up. Make me yours for a while, but not too rough or dangerous because that isn't in my rules.” I cocked an eyebrow. “Yes?” Though she frowned and shook her head I went on. It didn't matter if she deluded herself. “You imagined some safe little love affair, with some kink on the side? Doesn't work that way. Either you hand over control, or I walk. No documentary. Nod if you agree.” I waited. I could almost hear the clocks ticking. When she nodded slowly, my heart kicked back in. If it had beaten at all for those last few seconds, I was unaware. “Good. This room is no longer your prison. The house is secure and private enough. You’re coming upstairs as long as you behave.” No protests. Good. For a woman who liked having an opinion on everything this was exceptional. I could have walked on a cloud, I was so hyper-aware of everything she did. Were her lips fuller, her cheeks flushed, her breathing faster? I thought so. But she didn't know what I intended. “Let me point out what could have happened if this stupid plan had gone wrong. If you picked a less restrained, a less sensible man. You've given me a hundred filthy dirty ideas about what I could do to you. I never knew what depths my mind could plunge to. Now I do. if anyone was mindfucked so far, it was me. Another man would follow through. You think these gags are bad? This one with the red ball is simple, it just stops you talking.” I laid the other, metal and leather gag across my palm. “This one is a spider gag. With this in, you can’t close your mouth and your mouth can be fucked. Do you have any idea of the things on the internet? Wait.” I held up my hand. “I guess you do, from what’s in those books you read.” I bent and rested my hands on my knees. Mind fuck. This I could accomplish. “You want a list? How about the list of things a man could do to you in this situation… I could make you wash my dishes naked with a gag in. I could tie you up, cut your clothes off and just stare at you all day – just because I could. I could make you be a piece of furniture and ignore you. Humiliating? Yes. I could train you to be an anal slut. I could fuck your ass all day long. I could collar you and make you crawl around on the floor like a dog at a convenient height for blow jobs. I could share you with the man down the street, stick needles in your nipples and use them and some string to fasten you to eyebolts in the ceiling. Want to try that one? And at the end of it all, if I was the worst sort of man, I could kill you and bury you out there on the beach.” I swung my arm up to point. “Maybe no one would ever find you.” Now she was truly speechless, maybe even scared. Served her right. I watched the little swallows she did for a count of five. “But I’m not going to. I’m your friend. Remember that, no matter what I do.” I smiled one-sided but I’m sure it didn't reach my eyes. The eyes are the mirror to the soul and right then my soul was very dark. Then I squatted down in front of her, a couple of feet away, reached out and ran the very tip of my forefinger along her plump bottom lip. “My rules. Open.” A second’s hesitation at most. She shivered and her mouth parted. Mind fuck, here we come. “Good. Jodie.” Then I very deliberately held up the spider gag, slipped it between her teeth, pulled her head forward, and held her there while I buckled it. Hair made a great anchor point. I slid my splayed fingers into the roots and tilted her head back then I added a rule. “Second rule. You do my dishes whenever I say. You wear the spider gag. You don’t speak unless I say. But first…” Eyes locked on hers, I advanced one finger into her mouth and stroked her tongue. And she let me. Had I hypnotized her? She did nothing but stare back. What I wouldn't have given to fuck her mouth right then and there. Copyright Cari Silverwood 2012. All rights reserved. No part of these publications may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission of the author.
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Copyright Cari Silverwood 2011. All rights reserved. No part of these publications may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission of the author.
Cari Silverwood is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to AuthorCari Silverwood is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling writer of kinky darkness or sometimes of dark kinkiness, depending on her moods and the amount of time she's spent staring into the night. Follow Cari Silverwood on...
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