Adults Only excerpt - 18 years Plus![]() From The Dom with a Safeword - a contemporary BDSM M/f/f menage. Here's another snippet from this book I've co-written with Leia Shaw and Sorcha Black. Sorcha's a new author who we've been spanking into shape. Leia is a best-selling author with the great "Destiny" PNR romance series, as well as 31 Flavors of Kink - another BDSM book we co-wrote. I wrote the Dom, Jude. Leia wrote the innocent submissive, Sabrina, who is new to both BDSM and girl on girl. And Sorcha Black wrote the bisexual switch Q, who hates her real name and rarely tells it. Before you read my six sentences, you might want to read the blurb. Late at night, on an amateur ghost hunt, Sabrina and her best friend Q are caught trespassing by the gorgeous, blonde Jude. The embers of attraction between them sizzle when they discover Jude’s kinks match their own. Jude is a Dom on his last summer of freedom before starting the prison sentence that is med school. Q is a badass bi switch who knows what she wants, and for years it’s been her cute, doe-eyed straight friend Sabrina. But the only way for Q into Sabrina’s heart and panties may be with Jude’s fist wrapped in her hair. Domming the bratty Q and mischievous Sabrina isn’t going to be easy but Jude relishes the challenge. At the end of the summer, will they find a way to stay together when everything is tearing them apart? This is the first time Sabrina gets a taste of being dominated by both Q and Jude - with Jude pinning her arms behind her back, and Q kissing her. From Sabrina's point of view: His grip hardened. “I think she likes it,” Jude said, amusement coloring his voice. Oh, how right he was. Q ignored him, seemingly lost in her own world of nibbles and licks. When her lips grazed behind Sabrina’s ear, her breath tickled. Sabrina arched her back and her breasts pressed against Q’s, shocking her into a sharp awareness of what they did. Releasing Halloween! *** October 31st, 2012*** For a giveaway of an ARC of our book, click on Sorcha or Leia's names to go to their excerpts and blogs. One ARC (advance reader copy) from each blog of: The Dom with a Safeword If you're really keen on f/f orientated erotic romance, the f/f Romance group on Goodreads will be reading our book as Book of the Month in November and members may be eligible for a discount. Joining six sentence sunday can be fun! To join in, and find other participating writers, go here six sentence sunday On twitter use the hashtag #sixsunday
Adults Only - 18 years plusThere you are! You've made it this far through the Hero's Blog Hop - unscathed by arrows or swords, by bullets or by a hero's stunningly built muscles that gleam in the sunshine as if freshly polished. That is why you like heroes isn't it? So you can run your tongue down that torso, slowly detouring around their belly button, and downwards...unzipping...unbuttoning...mmm Or is it? I lift one eyebrow and give you a second to think. The physical yumminess is always enticing, but for me, it is what's inside them that makes a hero. And what they DO. I love a man with a heart, a lover's soul, a man who does what he has to when times are not just tough, but bad enough to bring him to his knees despite the landscape littered with shards of glittering glass. That man -- the man who crawls across the glass with sword in hand, or sharpened toothpick, to save his lady -- he is the hero for me. What is most important to you in a hero? Delectable muscles? Come on, admit your weaknesses. I won't tell a soul!
My personal prize for this blog hop is a $5 gift card and a book from my backlist - so that excludes Rough Surrender, the one I have an excerpt for below. This is my hero, Leonhardt Meisner. A man who will move heaven and earth, and overcome his greatest fear, to save his love, Faith Evard.
I can't show Leonhardt's greatest heroic moment, because that is toward the end of the story, but here is when they first kiss. Faith halted at the door, put her palm to the wood while her other hand brushed her fringe back as well as she could without a mirror--needing that moment to compose herself. Liar. Damnable liar. She had let him do that. She couldn’t trust herself. “Leonhardt,” he said. “What?” Frowning, she turned. At least, this time he’d kept some distance, a few feet, between them. Not enough. Her treacherous tongue curled out to touch her lip. Why did she do that? As if she could taste him on the air. Her nostrils flared. She could smell him, though: tobacco and soap and sweat, but even in winter, Cairo would make anyone sweat. “Leonhardt. Call me that.” “I doubt that would be appropriate, Mr. Meisner.” His mouth curved in a small smile. “You lied before. Of course.” He took an unhurried stride forward, brought up his arms and braced them either side of her head. Hell. “If it weren’t for that adorable tongue of yours, I’d have let you go. Now, I’m going to see what you taste like.” He lowered his head. Faith strained away, the back of her skull smacking lightly into the timber. “Don’t move.” Those two words were like nails driving her into place. He covered her lips with his and she gave a muffled groan as his tongue slid into her mouth alongside hers. All resistance vaporized. She fought to stay aware and upright though her legs threatened to collapse and her logical brain had disintegrated into a swirl of lustful thoughts. Nothing mattered except the feel of him inside her. His lips pressed and slid, his teeth caught her flesh here, there...his breath merged with hers. This was a man who knew how to take. His body moved in, squeezing her between timber and man. If she needed to breathe, she must accept what he gave her. If he didn’t hold her there, she’d fall. The world shifted on its axis. Sweet Jesus, she loved it. This time, when he drew away, she kept her fingers hooked into the heavy fabric of his coat. Something hard and long pulsed against her stomach--his manhood. All of their own accord, her hips arched forward. Her panting came a little faster. “We’d best be leaving.” He stroked the side of her face with his knuckles. “Mmm.” Someone had put glue on her tongue and throat “Mmm? You kiss like an angel come down from heaven, sweetheart. Tell me the truth this time, before I let you go. Did you like that?” Before I let you go That matter-of-fact statement shook her. Her eyes swept up, found his--so striking, so intense. She searched for a word to describe them. Animalistic? When eyes were given out, he’d been given the wrong ones--those of a hawk or wolf. She considered lying but couldn’t, not while he held her still in place. “Yes,” she whispered. “I did.” His knuckles feathered over her lips and, on impulse, she licked at them. His eyes darkened. A hiss escaped from between his teeth. “You tempt me too much.” Then he stood, moved back and gestured at the door. It took a moment for her to adjust to the loss--of feeling his body on hers. By the time he slid back the door and guided her toward the motorcar with his hand low on her back, she’d done some thinking. If she’d doubted his effect on her, she now knew for certain. He’d given her an entirely new understanding of kissing. Mr. Meisner...Leonhardt, could own her without doing anything more than saying a single word. He opened the passenger door. Their eyes met. Well, two words. She wasn’t that easy. Don’t move. The memory of her response scalded her. Like a cat on heat, she wanted to lie down at his feet and arch her back. Whatever am I going to do? Buylinks are below & a bigger sample from Rough Surrender is here. Night Owl Top Pick 5/5; The Romance Reviews Top Pick 5/5; Guilty Pleasures Book Reviews 5/5 "Purest Delight"; BDSM Book Reviews 5/5 Paddles, 5/5 Kinks; Kinky Book Reviews 5/5 Kinks; Mrs Condit Reads Books 5/5; Scorching Book Reviews 5/5; Erzabet's Enchantments 5/5; and Manic Readers 5/5 Make that 10 out of 10 sites. I can see from Goodreads, that Holly from Full Moon Bites is also giving the book 5/5 Steel Dominance, Book 3, Steamworks Chronicles, has gone to Loose Id.
I already have this on my home page, but I figured it deserved a blog post. YES, I do have critters like that one above in the book. But they are cute, I swear it on my grandmother's garden bed. I call these clockies. Here is a tiny excerpt, a sneak peek of Steel Dominance. From the feel of it Dankyo had scooped something up. He moved in so his thighs jammed hers into the desk. Then the rhythmic quaking of his body on hers puzzled her a moment. “Are you laughing? What was it?” “This.” He held a golden metal creature the size of her palm before her eyes. “Oh!” She jerked her head back. It wriggled…had many legs. And damn, it reminded her of a cross between a spider and a crab. “It’s a clockie,” Dankyo said. He put a squarish glass jar on the desk, dropped the creature in and screwed on the lid. “The Ottomans bombard Byzantium with them every Tuesday or so.” “Ugh.” She peered at it, her thoughts strung between the feel of Dankyo’s body pressing on her and watching the thing scrabbling about in the bottle. “What are they for?” “They write religious graffiti. Don’t worry. It only got as far as G.” “G? Where?” “On your ass. G is for God.” Oh hell. And now he really was laughing. “Damn you! Stop that!” She squirmed about to shout at him but he only leaned in and squashed her flat with his whole body. “Shh. Stay there. I’m not finished with you yet.” And that statement made her freeze. Clockie a foot from her nose, some writing on her throbbing sore ass, but with him on top of her, the world drifted far far away. “Mmm. Yes.” Nothing much happened after that. He lay on her, breathing softly, holding her down, at times playing with her hair. The weight of him was enough to keep her still but not hurt her, enough to keep her from escaping or wriggling, and slowly, like a tide washing in and filling a rock pool, his presence filled her up. A word came to her that seemed to sum up how she felt. Possession. Isn't there a form for everything? Here's the... Officially Silly Spanking Request Form To be used prior to all spanking sessions…or else. Please fill in in triplicate and use black ink. No lah de dah pink fluoro pens, or smart-ass white ink or the moderator will deal with your ass. Spankee: Spanker: Method of spanking(Tick relevant section): Over the knee Over the table Over the igloo (for Cherise Sinclair fans only please) Whilst running damn fast (only for experienced subs and Doms) Bare-handed Vampire glove (ouchies) With something from the kitchen drawer that's NOT still got lasagna on it Date intended for spanking: Christmas Day -- please ensure mandatory Santa Claus costume is available Easter time -- either the spanker or spankee must wear a bunny costume, with the ears still on. For the safety of all participants the Spanker must also register a below .05 level of chocolate in the blood. Extra equipment: Rope Fluffy pink cuffs Rubber chicken Hamster That sexy guy who delivered the pizza last week Desired color of Ass: light pink burgundy purple nuclear-orange with green dinosaur shapes Size of de ass: Size of the butt plug (if any): If there's a discrepancy between the size of de ass and the butt plug size, please get a second opinion. Intended force: Feather duster Bit Harder Big Whack Yes, just there only a bit higher Damn, that HURT and I'm gonna sue you blind Any sub filling in the name of their Dom under any 'ass' related sections please refer to Form 2B: The Bratty sub Punishment form Duration: (more than 20 mins and we call the fire brigade…so they can watch…and maybe some other uniformed guys, but only if they’re damn hawt, and bare-chested. Phew. It is hot in here. Take off those pants, sir and…) Ahem, continuing. Signed (the Husband, Wife, Master, Dom/me in charge): |
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Copyright Cari Silverwood 2011. All rights reserved. No part of these publications may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission of the author.
Cari Silverwood is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to AuthorCari Silverwood is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling writer of kinky darkness or sometimes of dark kinkiness, depending on her moods and the amount of time she's spent staring into the night. Follow Cari Silverwood on...
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