This blog started out as a way for me to discuss the things that bother me as a writer -- words, characters, why some women scream when they orgasm, do zombies get dandruff. Simple as that.
For me it’s no longer a matter of How to write but rather how to get my mind into a state where I CAN write. I know I can write. I have 2 lovely books out there and published, of which I’m very proud, and a third due out next year of which I’m exceptionally proud. Parts of it need knocking into shape but so long as I can shovel my brains back into my head in time it may turn out to be my little masterpiece. You see not only do I procrastinate but I also have fear of failure and the two go together so fricking well. I’ve succeeded in weaning myself off Goodreads and now I’ve found another group where we discuss BDSM books until the cows come home. Damn you all. The cows that is. So I have to wean myself off that too. LOL Professional writers can do 3 to 4 thousand words a day. And I’ve done so in the past. On a good day I can write forever. Or see forever. I live on a mountain. So that’s my goal. But they have to be good words. Ugh. Fear of failure arrives. Now if I can only kick it aside. Think I’ll give it the pet name of FOF. Maybe that way I can collar it and leash it, and tie it to a bench and spank it. So, onward to writing -- discussing my characters. My current WIP (work in progress ) is nearing the end and my heroine, Kaysana, has decided to do something that makes her unlikeable. I gave her a lovely Dom man and she’s rejecting him because of family honor and her career. Sten is a very huggable hunk who can easily handle hordes of ravening raised men (my evil guys with fiery orange eyes and a taste for rapine and killing) and she rejects him? I’m worried it’ll tarnish his Dom image. Then again, I look at real life and how many women have ditched a man because it’ll trash their career? Oodles and oodles I would imagine. What she’s done is sensible, and it makes me want to grab her and say, “You stupid stupid woman!” So for her TSTL stands for Too Stupid to LIKE. I need to vent. Come here little FOF. Get on that bench and show me your ass. And no you’re not orgasming. Really, how many other people’s FOFs ever orgasm? WHACK. Count baby, count.
31/8/2011 10:46:50 am
Ah, the old FOF. I once read in "Men's Health" about the seven distinct types of procrastination. If I remember correctly, the FOF stems from basically perfectionism on steroids. "Well, there's no way I can start writing this scene right now because we're low on milk, and I don't want to have to stop writing in the middle of it to go down the shops!" That kinda thing. And you're not alone. A heck of a lot of writers (myself included), struggle because the idea in our head feels so good that we dare not taint it by writing it with the wrong words! And knowing that we can re-write it's arse off doesn't seem to help. It sounds like maybe that's at least a part of what you're struggling with, Cari. The solution...? Buggered if I know...except just write it down as it occurs to you and beat it into submission later, after a bit of healthy distracting "exercise".
Cari Silverwood
31/8/2011 11:33:01 am
Hey Willsin, if you do find a cure, tell me and I'll swallow it, inject it, bathe in it...whatever LOL
31/8/2011 11:52:37 am
I once analyzed that it was Fear of SUCCESS that kept me from finishing a novel (back in the 1990s). I forget what I was afraid of. I think I've gotten over it.
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Cari Silverwood is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to AuthorCari Silverwood is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling writer of kinky darkness or sometimes of dark kinkiness, depending on her moods and the amount of time she's spent staring into the night. Follow Cari Silverwood on...
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